Having filmed on all seven continents, we understand the power and the draw that travel has. Traveling inspires, heals, educates and connects. We know how to find the most stunning locations, the strongest crew, the deepest stories and the most memorable footage, no matter what you throw at us.
The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
In the midst of the Pandemic, The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) set out to create an ambitious and far-reaching video that would promote tourism for its Indigenous Tourism members. We travelled across the country, filming 30 locations in 28 days. The result is a 4-minute video that tells the story that is as epic as it is personal. At Apollonia Productions, we know that many companies can make beautiful images, but what makes us unique is the personal; creating that sacred environment where we truly get to “see” the person that is in front of us.
In addition to this hero video, the client received hours upon hours of stunning b-roll of each of their members on our pan-Canadian filming road trip, which can be repurposed into news clips, new cutdowns, or commercials.